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Information about the poster:

The plot of the poem: In an Arab country, there was a very wealthy man who had longed for a child. He continuously prayed to Allah for a son, and his prayer was granted. When Qais grew up, he saw Layla and became trapped in the net of love. He was amazed by her beauty, and his mind became overwhelmed with love. Layla’s father arranged for her to marry another man. Upon hearing this, the love-struck youth wandered into the desert, where he was known as “Majnun” (the madman). Majnun, lost in the desert, was filled with sorrow, and no one, except birds and animals, could understand his pain. When Majnun heard of Layla’s death, he lost his mind. Unable to be with his beloved, he passed away. Some scholars believe that the poem “Layla-Majnun” is written in the style of Sufi poetry, with deep symbolic meaning.

Characters and Performers:

Dervish – Yerjan Nurymbet
Layla – Inabat Abenova
Majnun – Olzhas Zhakypbek

Ibn-Salam – Zhanat Ospanov
Majnun’s Father – Kuandyk Kystykbaev
Majnun’s Mother – Altynai Nogerbek
Layla’s Mother – Botagoz Maksutova
Layla’s Father – Meiram Kaysanov
Friends – Altinkul Serkebaeva
Angels – Inabat Abenova, Nursultan Esen, Olzhas Zhakypbek, Ainur Zhetpysbaeva, Aray Omarova, Aykorkem Turanova, Ersin Aitmukash, Erglan Zhanpeisov

Set Designer – Kanat Maksutov

The play includes verses by Hafiz, Muhammad Fuzuli, Jalaleddin Rumi, and Shakarim Kudaiberdyuly.

The Kazakh translation of the play was made by Tair Zharokov, Taken Alimkulov, Gali Ormanov, Kasym Amanzholov, Zhakan Syzdykov, and Dikhan Abilov.


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