In the State Academic Kazakh musical-drama theater named after Kalibek Kuanyshbaev was held a festive event dedicated to March 27 – International Day of Theater.
On this significant day was summarized the parade of performances “Kalleki tynysy”. By the decision of experts the nomination “Best performance” was given to the performance “Bayan Sulu – Kozy Korpesh”. “Best male role” went to Asylbek Kapaev (for the role of Genghis Khan in the play “Zhoshy Khan”), “Best female role” went to Ainur Zhetpisbaeva (for the role of Kunikey in the play “Bayan Sulu – Kozy Korpesh”). In addition, “Best male role of the second plan” went to Nursultan Esen (for the role of Tortkulak Khan in the fairy tale “Bala Mergen”), “Best female role of the second plan” – Begimnur Kalila (for the role of Tansyk in the play “Bayan Sulu – Kozy Korpesh”).
At the choice of the audience “Best Actor” – Kayyrzhan Sadyk, “Best Actress” – Akmaral Tanabaeva, “Best Performance” – the play “Zhoshy Khan”.
Theater is a great art that enchants with new colors, magic sounds and stage phenomena. It develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development, increases self-esteem, emotional sphere and simply brings a bright unforgettable variety into everyday life, enriching the inner world.
Also during the festive concert a number of actors and employees of the team, who made a significant contribution to the development of theater art, received letters of thanks from the Minister and the Chairman of the Committee of Culture.