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Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding writer, playwright, scriptwriter, professor Akim Urtaevich Tarazi

Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding writer, playwright, scriptwriter, professor Akim Urtaevich Tarazi

September 21, 2023 with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the international scientific-practical conference “The WORLD OF AKIM TARAZI: LITERATURE, THEATRE, CINEMA AND PEDAGOGICS” in honor of the 90th anniversary of the outstanding writer, playwright, screenwriter, holder of the title “Kazakstanң Yenbek Yeri”, winner of the State Prize and the International Franz Kafka Literature Prize, Professor AKIM URTAEVICH TARAZI will be held the presentation of the book “Әkim Tarazidің dramaturgyadaғy belesteri” by Master of Arts and theater critic Lyazzat Alpysbaeva.

In the monograph, consisting of two chapters, entitled “The formation and development of the drama of Akim Tarazi” and “Years of maturity of the drama of Akim Tarazi” was conducted research analysis on thirteen plays of the playwright: “Kulmeytin comedy”, “Zhaksy kisi”, “Zholy bolgysh zhigit”, “Kos bozdak”, “Liner”, “Khantәңңiri”, “lndet”, “Kүnә”, “Chandelier”, “Akyn, perishte, makhabbat”, “Kyz makhabbaty”, “Makhambet”, “Muse”.

In the presentation of the book will take part and share their thoughts and memories theater actors who acted in the plays staged in Kazakh theaters with the dramaturgy of Akim Tarazi, directors who staged Tarazi’s works, figures of Kazakh art and culture.